About School


Today, under the aegis of School, the School is regarded as a center of educational excellence. The school philosophy is based on a set of strongly held beliefs which are put into action everyday by every member of the institution. Its philosophy focusses on treating each child in a sensitive manner and providing appropriate developmental programmes so as to encourage not just learning but also imbibe a love for learning.

SCHOOL provides an environment that is safe, clean, healthy and child-oriented, an environment that offers challenging play and learning choices at a range of developmental levels. Activity areas are appropriately designed to enable children to explore, experience, and most importantly, succeed.

The School is a trendsetter and aims to provide quality education through the use of latest educational aids and unique amenities and facilities to create a proper ambience for study. These include:

  • A Teacher-Student ratio of 1:15
  • Computer learning from Nursery level itself.
  • Fully computerized Library with internet facility.
  • Air-conditioned classrooms and buses to protect children of tender age from air and noise pollution which enhances the efficiency of the students and teachers.
  • An ultra modern and well equipped Infirmary with a qualified in-house Doctor in attendance during the school hours.

The school owns a fleet of deluxe buses which are equipped with the latest facilities like GPS, cameras and mobile phones. Our teachers accompanies the children in each of the buses and ensures that children are handed over only to their family members. The buses are monitored with the help of the Global Positioning System installed in the Control Room at the School premises.

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